Poster Presentation Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand ASM 2015

Acute venous thromboemboli in pregnancy and the postpartum period: A retrospective case control study of 14 years at National Women’s Health, Auckland, New Zealand. (#113)

Shannon Emmett 1 , Claire McLintock 2
  1. John Flynn Private Hospital, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
  2. National Women's Health, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand

A retrospective study of acute venous thromboemboli (VTE) that occurred from 1998 to 2011 was performed. The study group contained 78 events and 123 women formed the control group.

 The two groups were compared for these VTE risk factors: age>35, parity>=3, multiple pregnancies, smoking, BMI>30, comorbidities, preeclampsia and delivery related factors including caesarian deliveries.  Modes of delivery, anaesthetic types and ethnicities were compared. The study group was further assessed for personal and family histories of VTE, acquired and inherited thrombophilias and the use of postpartum thromboprophylaxis. Management of inherited thrombophilias in current guidelines will be discussed.

The incidences and types of VTE were compared between the trimesters and postpartum. Lower limb DVTs were compared between the trimesters and postpartum for incidences, sides (left vs right) and sites (proximal vs distal) and leg diameters were assessed.

 CTPA vs VQ scan for the diagnosis of pulmonary emboli (PE), and the usefulness of the D Dimer assay were reviewed.

Treatment with enoxaparin, warfarin, unfractionated heparin, thrombolysis and IVC filter use was evaluated and monitoring of enoxaparin with anti-Xa levels reviewed.

 Therapeutic enoxaparin was reduced to prophylactic dose in 32 of the 56 women with antenatal VTEs. The efficacy of this management was assessed. Alternatively, planned delivery with unfractionated heparin (UFH) infusion was required.  The anaesthetic types and modes of delivery were compared between the control group, women with and without UFH and those with postpartum VTEs. The efficacy of anticoagulation was determined by the rates of new or progressive thrombosis.

Maternal safety parameters were the incidence of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), osteopenia and blood loss including antepartum haemorrhage, estimated blood loss at delivery, primary PPH and secondary PPH rates compared with those of the control group.

 Fetal parameters were birth weight centiles, preterm delivery rates, admissions to NICU and fetal anomaly rates. These were compared between the control group, the group who received anticoagulation antenatally and those who received anticoagulation postpartum (no fetal exposure). 

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