Poster Presentation Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand ASM 2015

Comparison of Outpatient and Inpatient Use of Vaginal Prostaglandin E2 Gel for Induction of Labour in Low Risk Postdate Pregnancy at Westmead Hospital: A Retrospective Cohort Study (#109)

Wai Ching Tai , Therese McGee

Objective: To determine whether the outpateint use of vaginal Prostaglandin E2 gel is a safe and effective method for induction of labour in low risk, post-dates pregnancies.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed to assess the neonatal and maternal outcome of inpatient and outpatient induction of labour at a major metropolitan hospital in Sydney, Australia. Patients who had induction of labour for post-date pregnancy with a low risk antenatal history were included in this study. Primary outcomes included: Apgar scores at five minutes, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions and adverse maternal events such as postpartum haemorrhages, severe perineal trauma, admission to intensive care unit etc. Secondary outcomes included: mode of delivery, time of Prostaglandin E2 insertion/rupture of membrane to delivery and total hospital stay.

Results: A total of412 patients were included in this study. Of this cohort, 186 patients were admitted as inpatients and 226 patients were treated as outpatients.  Gestational age at time of induction was between 41 weeks and 41 weeks and 6 days. The inpatient group had a significantly shorter time of rupture membrane/Prostaglandin E2 to delivery time then the outpatient management group. Total hospital stay was slightly shorter in the outpatient management group. There were no significant differences in terms of adverse neonatal and maternal events, or mode of delivery.

Conclusions: The study result showed that outpatient use of vaginal Prostaglandin E2 is a safe and effective option for induction of labour in the low risk population.

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